〈影/屏東台88線滿載電線小貨車起火燃燒 警消到場灌救〉的留言 https://www.biao-news.com/instantly/45059/ 追求速度、公正、專業匯流政府與民間資訊反應輿情、開創自由表達與理性回饋的優質園地創始於2021 Fri, 10 Feb 2023 19:05:20 +0000 hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.8.8 留言者: gate io https://www.biao-news.com/instantly/45059/comment-page-1/#comment-210948 Fri, 10 Feb 2023 19:05:20 +0000 https://www.biao-news.com/?p=45059#comment-210948 Everyone, I’m honored by the encouraging comments– thank you.These fundamental principles are still true today, a year later, even with new ad types, placements, and so forth.]]> This is awesome, thanks! I tried the “built-in” Photoshop grid method and I can see this saving me many headaches. Thanks 🙂Everyone, I’m honored by the encouraging comments– thank you.These fundamental principles are still true today, a year later, even with new ad types, placements, and so forth.
