
2022-9-18  編輯部/綜合報導

今天14時44分發生芮氏規模6.8地震,花蓮玉里也 6弱,也傳出玉里有房屋倒塌的災情,疑似三層樓高的建築倒塌,一樓疑似為超商7-11,目前目前傳出有四人受困,警消獲報已趕往現場救援中。

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  1. Michaelunden
    Michaelunden says:

    To read true to life scoop, adhere to these tips:

    Look fitted credible sources: https://apexlifestyle.co.uk/statamic/bundles/pags/?news-brought-by-balthasar-to-romeo.html. It’s high-ranking to secure that the report roots you are reading is respected and unbiased. Some examples of reputable sources include BBC, Reuters, and The Fashionable York Times. Interpret multiple sources to get a well-rounded aspect of a discriminating low-down event. This can help you listen to a more ideal picture and dodge bias. Be cognizant of the viewpoint the article is coming from, as set reputable news sources can have bias. Fact-check the information with another fountain-head if a news article seems too lurid or unbelievable. Till the end of time be sure you are reading a fashionable article, as scandal can substitute quickly.

    Nearby following these tips, you can befit a more informed rumour reader and more wisely understand the world about you.

  2. 矢野沙衣 fanza
    矢野沙衣 fanza says:


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