防疫少動婦人脂肪肝炎  3招遠離脂肪肝醫師這麼說

2022-08-16 記者陳宜琳/嘉義報導




藥劑科張其純主任說,目前並沒有主要適應症為治療脂肪肝之藥物,大部分採輔助治療。大致可分為三個類別:第一類為Vitamin E(每日服用800IU)及降低胰島素阻抗性藥物(如:Pioglitazone),可改善脂肪肝症狀;第二類較常用來治療血脂異常,亦可部份輔助控制脂肪肝,降血脂藥物(如:statin類)及魚油;第三類為針對脂肪肝可能有效,包含GLP-1致效劑及SGLT-2抑制劑,主要用來治療糖尿病,前者更有減重的效益。減重及飲食控制還是最佳療法,如需使用藥物,還是建議找專科醫師討論治療方向為佳。

營養科林資淳主任也說到,脂肪肝患者飲食建議「高纖、高鈣、抗氧化」為原則,而地中海飲食 (Mediterranean diet)定義為「食用大量蔬菜水果、使用橄欖油為主要脂肪來源、天然乳製品加上適量的魚、蛋及家禽類,少量紅肉及紅酒」。因富含足夠的抗氧化劑、膳食纖維、不飽和脂肪酸,攝取較低比例的飽和脂肪與動物蛋白,因此相當適合脂肪肝患者將地中海飲食取代以往高脂低纖的飲食習慣。


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  1. Wag
    Wag says:

    The Enjin network is among the most intriguing NFT initiatives that have lately received a lot of attention. The Enjin platform backs the value of next-generation NFTs developed on the platform with the Ethereum-based cryptocurrency Enjin Coin (ENJ). There are currently around 900 million units of ENJ in circulation. The maximum supply of ENJ is limited to 1 billion units. That is, about 90% of ENJ tokens are in circulation. In June 2022, the approximate price of a unit of ENJ was 0.45 USD, with variations according to market supply and demand. Crypto experts have analyzed Enjin Coin prices in 2023, so they are ready to provide their estimated trading average for December 2023 — $$0.301. The lowest and peak ENJ rates might be $$0.266 and $$0.336.
    An estimated 19.23 million Bitcoins have been mined over the past 13 years and are in circulation which equates to roughly 90.58% of the total fixed supply of maximum of 21 million coins. As the blockchain adjusts its difficulty in rapport to the number of miners, Bitcoin implemented a protocol that halves Bitcoin’s block rewards every four years to extend miner incentives. But Bitcoin is not the only cryptocurrency with these characteristics. All cryptocurrencies have been based on Bitcoin technology and have adapted or improved it. Many of them are actually still guided by the same economic system that supports Bitcoin. Others have put it aside and have made the decision to have infinite emissions with other emission and inflation control systems.

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